Ahhhh!!!! To be young again! Summer as a kid was AWESOME! I remember playing outside until it was dark....we were hot and sweaty when we came in and we liked it! My sweet girls have been loving playing outside, even in the rain....just an excuse to use the umbrellas! I've noticed a few things, about how my girls see the world...which is different than how I see it as a parent:
1. Mud puddles...what could be better than jumping in them! Who cares that they stain clothes, or create a bigger mess.
2. Water...why not use the water hose after a massive rain storm? Who cares what the water bill will be if we continually run the sprinkler on the already wet front lawn?
3. Food....why eat inside? Why can't they take anything outside to eat???? There really isn't even time to eat!
4. Making a mess....who cares that the front yard looks messy...forts have been built, sprinklers have been used, toys have been played with...but "I don't wanna pick it up!!!"
5. Bedtime....sooooo difficult when it isn't dark outside!!! Why go to bed when the sun is still out! Why do we have to come in when the sun is still out!
6. Clothes...the less the better!!! Hmmm.......:)
7. Fun.....everything is about having fun! Their day is all about having fun.....exactly what it should be, and I am loving being a part of that fun...and slacking on some of the "work" I should be doing!!!
Happy Almost Summer!!!! This is the last week I will work a full week for a while! Yea!!!!