Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I love the innocence of my girls.  I love that when the say they heard the "B word" at school, that it still means "butt."  I love that they can't sleep the night before the Easter Bunny or Santa comes to our house.  I love that when we drive past the nuclear plant in Russellville they still think it is a cloud factory.
See...it could be a cloud factory!!!

I know it won't be long before this innocence is gone.  I see glimpses of it fading, questions that are asked that can no longer just have a simple answer.  Some people always give their children the exact meanings behind things, they are very factual with them.  There was one time that Autumn asked Mark how to play basketball...he explained there are 5 people on each time and that you have to go to your end of the court, passing and dribbling the ball.  He went into lots of technicalities, the 3 point line, free throw line, double dribbling.....I looked at her and said...shoot the ball into your basket...have the most points.....you win!  We are both correct...we just explain things differently.

Life isn't always that simple.  I like the idea of letting my kids be kids.  As a teacher I think it is important to educate our kids...but I'm not sure I want to spend a lot of time explaining terrorism or nuclear radiation to my girls just yet, so until it is a necessity...the nuclear plant will be a cloud factory, and when it is thundering...the angels are bowling.  :)

My sweet and innocent girls...as of now.  :)


  1. Priceless. And I completely agree 1,000%. Kids are only kids for so long and adults so much longer. Savor every moment.

  2. Definitely agree. Our society rushes kids through childhood as if there is some prize awarded for being 5 going on 15. There isn't. And from now on, when I pass Nuclear 1, I'll remember the cloud factory. Sometimes kids are not only innocent, but also smarter than adults...
