Wednesday, April 13, 2011

People Pleaser....yes...that is me...if it is okay with you...:)

I am a people pleaser....and that is hard!!!  Now, don't be mistaken...I upset people daily I am sure.  I know I say things that aren't right, I hurt feelings, I ignore something I should have acknowledged, but you don't have to worry...within minutes of doing it, I will feel bad about it.  In fact, if I think I have hurt someones feeling or offended them...I will typically try to make some type of contact with them just to test the waters!!!  Ugh!!!  In some ways I wish I could change.  I mean, I think it would create less stress in my life, but at the same time I like making people happy.

I am also one of those people who feel like I should check with people before I do know make sure it is okay with them.  I justify things that need no justification.  As crazy as it sounds....I tell Mark everything I eat in a day.  Yes!!!  I'm a FREAK!!!!  He could care less that I ate a cupcake...but I tell him and then feel the need to tell him, I was hungry.  Why can't I just eat a stinking cupcake??  The other day I went to sit outside, I walked into our bedroom and said to him..."I'm going to sit outside, is that okay?"  WHAT???  I am an adult...why do I do that???  I am the worst about missing can ask coworkers and family...for me to miss work, everyone will know it is happening and I will have justified my need to miss...and then feel bad about it for the next few hours!  UGH!!!!  I need help!  :)

I see some of these traits in my girls.  Both are pleasers...Autumn will say the things that need to be said so you will be pleased.  Allie can't handle disappointing us.  It's hard being a kid sometimes, it's hard being an adult sometimes.

Two of the people that please me the most!  I love them so much!!!

Thanks to those of you who read.  I hope your enjoyed and don't think I am too crazy!  :)

1 comment:

  1. I fully identified - especially about the work part. And also sharing minute details of my life with Phil for approval... And also... I hope this doesn't upset you to know that we have several things in common:)
    Seriously, right there also. But you know, it could be worse... could be people haters...Ha!
