Monday, April 9, 2012

You can do it!!!

This past weekend I ran my first 10K.  6.2 miles of running.....if you had ever told me I would CHOOSE to do that, I would have said you were crazy.  Yet, I did it and was so happy.  Mark and I both ran and he was there to cheer me on at the finish line.

The definition of CHEER is to lighten spirits or mood; a source of joy or happiness; a comfort.

Running has become kind of therapeutic for me.  A time where I think about problems, try to come up with solutions, or just analyze life.  I feel better after a run.  My mood is better, my attitude on life is better, I feel like a better person.  We all have our outlets that we use to boost our moods or our attitudes and running has started to become that for me.

Now, back to the cheering part.  I can not even explain how awesome it was to pass people cheering me on as I ran.  Just the little comments of "you can do it," "you're almost there," "great job" all gave me inspiration and motivated me to continue.  These were STRANGERS....people who had no idea what my name was or even cared, but they cheered.....for me.

Mark and I after the 10k.....I am so lucky to have him as an encourager!!!
How do we motivate people in our daily life?  Do we cheer people on?  Do you feel like you cheer others, but no one cheers for you?  We all need encouragement and motivation, we all need our own cheerleaders.  But, we need to remember that people need us to be there for them.  Be an encourager, a motivator......sometimes people need us, more than we know.  Thank you to those who are always cheering me on.....I appreciate you!!!  :)