Sunday, July 10, 2011

Number 9.......

Autumn turns 9 in a few days.  This birthday just seems weird to me.  I'm not sure why.  Picking out a birthday card was tough this year.  She seems too old for the little kid cards and not old enough for the bigger kids cards.  At Wal-Mart they don't even have a card with the number 9 on it!!!!  (Or at least one we could find.)  Mark ended up picking out the was a Twilight/Eclipse card (fitting b/c that is what the theme of her party was).  The card read (on the front) "With Every Birthday you're becoming more Amazing!!  (inside) Stay Human though.  We like you that way!"  Wow!!!  Pretty sentimental huh?  :)  She loved it, OF COURSE!

Each year around the girls birthdays I can't help to think back to when I was pregnant and their delivery.  I found out I was pregnant with Autumn just after Thanksgiving 2001.  The way I knew...I was SICK at the smell of dressing for Thanksgiving and I was soooo tired!!  (I still can't eat much dressing to this day!) I was sick with Autumn the first 6 1/2 month of my pregnancy.  UGH!!!  It was awful!!  However, I only gained 19 lbs. with her!  So, that was a positive.  :)

I went into labor with Autumn on a Thursday night.  I was mad that at my check up that day I had not progressed.  I was still dilated to a 2.  So, I ate pizza and drank a big Coke and then I felt guilty.  So, Mark and I went for a walk.  That night around midnight my water broke.  So, I took a shower and we headed to the hospital.  Mark drove like you see in the movies!  He hit every speed bump sooooo fast!  :)  I asked him to slow down!  :)  My water had broken right around midnight.  I think we got to the hospital around 1.  Autumn Kaylie was born at 7:12 a.m.  She would have arrived sooner, but we were waiting on a shift change!  :)  My mom and Mark's parents were there.  (Not in the room....but at the hospital)
Love at first sight!!

Look at that dark hair!!!

I always loved this pic!

Big sister!!

Autumn is such a bright spot in our lives!  She is fearless, a pleaser, and a drama queen!  She takes gymnastics and loves soccer!  She is an AWESOME big sister and a wonderful daughter!  She has her smarty pants times and her moments of defiance.  She has her blonde moments and her moments of sheer intelligence.  She is a blessing and I love her more than life!  Her 9th birthday will be July 19th....we are almost at double digits!!  (You know that scares me!!!)  I am just lucky to be her mom!!!  I can't wait to see what a fabulous lady she will become!  Happy Almost 9th Birthday Autumn!!!

Sweet girl!!!


  1. Loved the pictures and the memories about pregnancy and childbirth - could identify. Just a landmark time in a woman's life. I think you'll enjoy Autumn as much as a teen-ager as you have at every other stage of her life - she's a good kid.

  2. Thanks Cathy!!! I hope so!! It is just amazing....watching them grow up! :)

  3. Love it. You are a great mom. I hope you are enjoying your summer!!

  4. Thanks Cara!!! I love keeping up with you and Bliss through your blog!!
