Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Asking for help....strength or weakness????

I don't like to ask for help. In fact, being honest...I think it makes me look weak.  Which is very weird since I LOVE to help others. I don't view others as weak when they need help, so I have no idea as to why I would think others would view me as weak?  Of course if you asked Mark, he would probably say I have no problem asking for help...or maybe it's actually that I am good at giving directions.  :)

Truth be told, I don't even like to ask others to help with the girls......I like it when people offer, but unless I HAVE to have help I very rarely ask people to help.

That being said, lately I have needed help.  But, that whole pride thing has been getting in the way....so instead, I have been trying to do everything, deal with everything myself until it gets to much and then I crash and have a massive meltdown.

After admitting something like this I always feel it is important to tell people that my life is great and that this was just a rare occurrence.....why?  Because I don't want people to think I am weak.  :)

I have lucked out lately....some of the times I have needed help the most...people have been there.  I have been blessed with a husband who listens, understands, and agrees with me.  :)  He shows me the love and compassion that I need when I am at my lowest.

I have been blessed with friends who have texted at the right time, provided me with the comic relief I have needed, or even just been there to support me.

Well, the other day I did something...something a little different for me.  I asked God for help.  Now, don't get me wrong...I talk to God daily, but typically it is all in my head.  My logic has always been that he knows what I am thinking anyways...so I will often turn the radio or TV down and we will have some great "mind conversations."  However, the other day that wasn't cutting it.....so I did what I typically don't do...I spoke out loud.  I simply asked for help.  I think I actually said it about 4 or 5 times.....but it was out loud, it was different.  You know....I think God liked that I actually asked out loud for help.....I don't think he viewed me as being weak.  I actually think he liked it.   It wasn't long before I was feeling better....that inner peace that is so nice to find.  Now, to be honest I took a nap after my "talk" and I felt better mind, body, and soul.

All that being said, I can't help but wonder if asking for help isn't such a bad thing?  Sometimes I think people need to know we need them....an out loud asking.  Just as God knew I needed him, I think he was proud that I asked out loud.....perhaps he even saw it as me being a stronger person????


  1. Someone once told me to remember God's "telephone number" - Jeremiah 33:3 - and I always have:) It works and I never get a busy signal. But yes, definitely He wants us to ask. When we are weak, that is when His strength has room to move into our tired bodies and minds (less resistance and static on the line???:) and that's when we come to know Him better than ever before. II Cor. 12:9-11

  2. I am like you. I love helping others, but often don't ask for help. I guess I don't want to burden anyone. Don't you feel blessed by helping others? So if I don't let them help me, I am keeping them from being a blessing to someone, me. Yikes, I don't want to do that. I need to admit I need help every once in a while.
