Social media has definitely changed the way relationships work. I know some people who really only talk to me about FB statuses that I have posted. I know some people who the only communication they have with me is through FB. Texting has changed things too. I know that is a big one for me. I can be in mass chaos and think of something or want to tell someone something and I will just text it instead of calling.
Sometimes people need to know you are there for them. Whether it be through FB or a text, they need to know you really care.
I saw this quote the other day and I really liked it....
I am at a really good point in my life. I have a fabulous family, a great church home, a wonderful job, and some great friends. But sometimes I wonder how good of friends are people now a days? Do we
just ask how people are doing to be nice, do we just hit the like button so they will see we responded?
Sometimes people need to hear encouraging words, and unless we actually ask and LISTEN....we won't know they need us. And in all honesty, sometimes when it comes to friends....words aren't needed. Just knowing a friend is there can mean more than any spoken words. I am so proud of the many friends I have who are amazing wives, mothers, and just wonderful people. But, let's be honest, in today's craziness.......sometimes people need to actually be told they are those things.