Thursday, February 16, 2012

How do YOU handle it???

It seems, lately, that I have several friends who are hurting.  They have been hurt by people close to them.  It is hard to see people hurt, especially when there is nothing you can do to help them.  (Especially when it is having life changing effects.)

It has gotten me thinking about disappointment.  I think that is one of the hardest things for me.  I know how I would handle a situation and I get frustrated when others don't handle it the same way.  Now, that is not how it should be.  I should not expect others to do things the same as me because, well, they aren't me.

But, let's be honest.  People do disappoint us. Sometimes it is people close to us, other times it is people we don't know.  To me, it is tougher to deal with the disappointment of those closest to us.  So, how do YOU handle those that disappoint you?  I seem to want to let them know, but sometimes, they disagree or don't care, or don't want to try and fix it.  I know this is the point where I am supposed to hand it over to God, pray about it, listen to him....but to be real honest, I am not always good at that, especially if it is the same person over and over.  I think I USED to be the type of person who could let things go....but the older I've gotten the harder that is for me to do. (Isn't it supposed to be the opposite???)  So, I will continue to pray about it.

But, do YOU handle disappointment????

Have a great day....and though this may sound like a down post, I promise....I'm really not, just one of those things I have been wondering.....:)


  1. I struggle with that myself and the struggle can go on for a looonnnnggg time. And yes, it is harder to handle when it's someone close to you. Or at least it is for me. If they've really hurt me, I tend to want God to sort of ... flatten them. HOnestly. The only thing I know to do is to keep praying that God will do whatever it takes to turn them around so that He will receive love and glory from the person who was doing wrong. B/c I guess if they are really doing wrong, it doesn't just affect me, it also hurts Him.
