Friday, June 29, 2012


I have been having a super fun, but busy summer.  This week I have had a few opportunities to sit and watch what I want on TV and have been loving watching the Olympic Trials!!!  I am FASCINATED by the strength of these athletes!  I keep pointing out to the girls the muscles on each of the athletes.  I mean, like right now, I am watching the male gymnasts! The strength they have on the rings....WOW!!!    We've been watching the long distance runners.....the abs on the runners!  AWESOME!!!  The arm muscles on the swimmer...I'm JEALOUS!!!

The strength we see on athletes is amazing.....but we recognize it because we can SEE it.  What about the strength we don't actually see?  What about my former students who just had to bury their 4 month old baby girl, but can still find the strength to get up in the mornings?  What about the strength of a friend who just lost their mom and is handling all the preparations.  What about the strength of several of my friends who are going through divorces and are still smiling around their kids.  What about our everyday strength.....getting up and working out when we would rather sleep, cleaning our house when we would rather watch TV, smiling when we would rather cry.

My strength......<3

We all have days where we have to be stronger than people realize; because we are using our inner strength, not necessarily outer strength.  I think it's important to show/explain to our kids inner and outer strength.

We all LOVE to receive why don't we hand them out more? Compliment people who are strong....let them know you can see it and how awesome it is!

For now....I will continue to watch the Olympic Trials and anxiously await the Olympics!  So awesome to see "regular" people representing us!!  I LOVE it!!!


  1. Love this post! It is amazing the inner strength that God gives you when you are going through a difficult time. My Dad has cancer and it has been really rough. He is having trouble walking. He is a big guy. There have been times I have had to lift him from his chair. I know I couldn't have done it on my own.

    1. So sorry about your glad he has you as a support. Praying for you! (and him)
